Address :
JL. RTA Milono KM. 1,5 Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia - Postal Code : 73111
Phone Number :
Monday - Thursday :
Open : 07.30 AM
Break : 12.00 - 13.00 PM
Close : 15.00 PM
Friday :
Open : 07.30 AM
Break : 10.30 - 13.00 PM
Close : 15.00 PM
Our library has a special collection of Pharmaceutical and Health Analyst disciplines, our collections range from printed materials to digital collections such as E-Books, CD-ROMs, CDs, We also collect daily serial publications such as newspapers and also monthly serials such as magazines .
Perpustakaan kami memiliki koleksi khusus disiplin Farmasi dan Analis Kesehatan, koleksi kami berkisar dari bahan cetak hingga koleksi digital seperti E-Books, CD-ROM, CD, Kami juga mengumpulkan publikasi bersambung harian seperti surat kabar dan juga serial bulanan seperti majalah. Kami juga menyediakan katalog repository KTI di
To borrow our library collections, you must first become a member of the library. There are terms and conditions that you must comply with. Please come directly to our library.
Untuk meminjam koleksi perpustakaan kami, Anda harus menjadi anggota perpustakaan terlebih dahulu. Ada syarat dan ketentuan yang harus Anda patuhi. Silahkan datang langsung ke perpustakaan kami.